The Curious Prophecies Of Leonardo Da Vinci

The curious prophecies of Leonardo da Vinci

Many of Leonardo’s prophecies were written upside down, so you needed a mirror to be able to read them. The painter also hid them in his paintings, such as the famous Mona Lisa.

Da Vinci was a great researcher, who wanted to know everything about the force of water (he made an analogy with human blood, the Earth being the body).

He said that flowing blood ended life and that flowing water would engulf us all, referring to the great floods that would wipe out living things.

Many are those who, even today, continue to analyze the prophetic visions of Leonardo da Vinci, to determine, according to this genius, how much time we have left on planet Earth if we do not change our attitude and if the ‘we do not maintain a balance with nature.

This shows us that it is time for a change, because if his predictions come true, it will be too late.

Some of Leonardo da Vinci’s best-known prophecies

“We will always see animals on earth fighting with each other, causing the greatest damage and often death for either party. 

Their malignancy has no limits; their wild arms throw to the ground the largest trees of the forests of the universe;  and to have their food, the food of their desires, they will unleash death, sorrows, pains, wars and devastation upon all living things.

In their prodigious pride they would rise up against the sky, if the too heavy weight of their members did not keep them on the earth. Nothing, neither on earth, nor below, nor in water, which is not pursued, disturbed, damaged by them; they pass from one country to another and the body of this brood becomes the burial place and the passage for all the bodies of dead animals. ”

These texts can evoke several subjects. In the first place, the war, but also the pollution, the lack of food for certain peoples, the injustice of those who have everything and who want more, the destruction of natural resources and the miserable life of all beings on this planet. .

“The water of the sea will rise above the tops of the mountains, towards the sky, and fall on the dwellings of men.” (floods, storms, tsunamis)

“Men will speak and respond to each other, from the most distant countries.” (means of communication such as letters, letters, Internet)

“All men will change hemisphere immediately.” (any terrestrial point is divisible)

“The men will talk to each other, touch each other, kiss each other, stand one on one hemisphere and the other on the other and understand their language. (more focused on communication)

“The water that has fallen from the clouds still moving on the edge of the mountains will stop for a long space of time without making any movement and then will fall in many different provinces.” (artificial watering, dams and reservoirs)

“Human work becomes the cause of human death.” (weapons, diseases)

“Because of the stars, we will see very swift men and like some fast animal.” (use of riding spurs)

“There shall come forth from under the earth a thing which, with a terrible noise, will stun those who stand there, and by its breath will kill men and demolish castles and cities.” (the powder)

“We will see the very ones who were said to have more experience and judgment, who eagerly seek and seek the thing they need least.” (definition of greed)

“The skin of animals will stir men with loud cries and curses.” (the players with the ball)

“Soulless bodies will move on their own and carry with them countless generations of the dead, taking riches from the living surrounding.” (the trees used to build the boats)

“We will see the trees of the great forests of Taurus and Sinai, of the Apennines and the Atlas cut the air from the East to the West, and from the aquilon to the south and thus transport many men. Oh ! how many vows, how many deaths, how many separations from friends and relatives; and how many of them will not see their province or their homeland again, and who will die without burial, leaving their bones scattered in various parts of the world. ” (the boats)

“The volatile animals will support man with their own feathers.” (feather mattresses)

“In all the cities, lands, castles and houses one will see by desire to eat, draw his own food from the mouth of another, without him being able to make any defense.” (ovens)

“We will see men in such cowardice that they will admit that others triumph through their evils. That is to say, to enrich themselves from the loss of their true fortune, namely their health. (the doctors)

“And as the female youth cannot defend themselves from the lust and the plunder of the males neither by parental supervision nor by fortress walls, you will see at the time indicated the father and the parents of the young girl pay dearly whoever wants sleep with her, even though she is rich, noble and very beautiful. ” (dowry payment)

You should know that Leonardo da Vinci lived between 1452 and 1519, when everything he wrote had not yet taken place, and there were things he did not know in his native country, the Italy. 

His notebooks are truly fascinating because they are devoted to scientific studies, on anatomy, medicine, engineering and inventions.


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