The One Who Gives Himself Completely Will Never Be Whole Again

The one who gives himself completely will never be whole again

Your partner ends their relationship with you, and you feel like you left something in that person that you will never find again. A loved one or a friend dies, and you feel like nothing will ever be the same again because you have lost something. The one who gives himself completely will never be whole again.

If you really loved someone, know that when that person is no longer in your life, something goes away, a piece of your heart is gone forever and never comes back. It is a feeling of emptiness that only time can help us fill.

We are emotional beings by nature, and even if it is very complicated to prevent a situation from generating an emotion in you, it is however possible to manage this emotion in terms of its duration and intensity. via emotional intelligence.

An emotionally intelligent person knows what their strengths and abilities are and has learned to listen and understand others with empathy. That’s why, even if you feel sad about the loss of a loved one, you have confidence in the future and you know that in time you will be able to overcome anything.

In the face of the death of someone you love, there is nothing you can do except accept the loss. When faced with a breakup, even if it’s a different situation, it’s just as important to accept the situation, to be realistic and to find ways to deal with the emotion that comes over us.

In your romantic, friendly, or family relationships, there must be a “self-giving limit” in order to avoid situations of emotional attachment. In his book Desapegarse sin anestesia (in French, “To detach without anesthesia”), Walter Riso maintains that to establish a dependent relationship, it is to give one’s soul in exchange for a false pleasure, as well as an equally security. fake.

Riso defines attachment as an obsessive connection with an object, an idea or a person that is based on four false beliefs, which are: what is permanent, what makes you happy, what will bring security and what will give meaning to your life.

If you are in such a bond, you will never be prepared for loss, and you will not accept the other person walking away, ending the relationship with you, or changing the situation. . The loss will make you feel empty and without a clear rhythm.

Attachment corrupts, makes you miserable, and prevents you from respecting yourself and your values. You are afraid of losing what you desire and you lose the joy because you are investing all of your resources and all of your energy in another person, thus leaving your life aside, which is what you really love to do.

As you go through your life, your ability to give and to be generous becomes part of who you are as a human being. However, it is also important to know how to use the tools necessary to manage these losses in their entirety and to accept the fact that changes are part of life.

Saying goodbye to a person, to a job, to a relationship is an act that we continually face, and we must face these moments with courage and intelligence. This ability is necessary to avoid excessive suffering or a feeling of loss that affects us negatively.

Let go of your suffering. There are still a lot of people who are ashamed to cry in public and suppress their feelings and words. But to let go, however, it’s important to let go of the pain, to cry as much as you need to, but without isolating yourself. Talk to friends, tell them how you are feeling, and listen to their advice.

Focus on yourself. For once, you need to be a little selfish and devote time to introspection without it weighing on your conscience. What do you like? What do you like to do ? Thinking about your needs and what really matters to you, beyond that person or that situation that you have to let go, will give you confidence and confidence.

Take care of yourself. Self-interest should also translate into rewarding yourself and taking care of yourself. If you’re in the mood for a trip, now is the time to step back, disconnect, and see things from a different perspective. Think that new situations attract new elements and that you always want something: freedom, learning, ability to surpass yourself, etc.

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