The Tokei Method, A Good Way To Live In Harmony

According to the Tokei method, there are several active clocks in the daily life of people, and the ideal is to synchronize them for better rest and greater productivity.
The Tokei method, a good way to live in harmony

The Tokei method is a proposal developed by doctors Eduard and Carla Estivill and shared in a book of the same name. It is a series of criteria and practices whose aim is to adapt people’s activities to natural biological rhythms and, in particular, to promote deep and restorative rest.

The starting point is that good sleep is the foundation for everything else. This method thus defends the idea that the rest of the activities must be organized from the dream and not the other way around. The axis of everything is linked to biological clocks. This method reminds us that the body is full of clocks and that learning to synchronize them is crucial.

The Tokei method therefore brings together a series of knowledge, principles and recommendations to enjoy adequate rest, but also ‘greater productivity during the day. The two aspects are closely related and influence not only emotional and mental well-being, but also physical health. Let’s see what it is.

A woman on her sofa.

Internal time and the chronotype

A person’s internal time is determined by the circadian rhythm. This rhythm includes the processes that take place for 24 hours. So there is diet, sleep, temperature, hormone production and more.

Under normal conditions, the body clock is programmed to make people sleepy between 10 p.m. and midnight and then wake up between 6 and 8 a.m. This is called a “normal chronotype”. However, this was only found to be true in 50% of people.

Other people have other chronotype models. They can therefore go to bed earlier or later. Everyone must identify their chronotype and adjust or synchronize it as best they can.

The different times

The Tokei Method emphasizes that the circadian rhythm determines biological time, but it is not the only rhythm that humans must manage. There is also social time and solar time. The former tends to be the most problematic.

Social time has to do with the demands of the environment, in terms of wakefulness and rest. A person who works at night, for example, must adapt his chronotype to this requirement, even if from a biological point of view this is not the most appropriate.

Solar time, on the other hand, is related to the phases of light and darkness. Ideally, you should sleep when there is no sun, and be active during the day. It is not always possible. This is when what the Tokei method calls “time disruption” occurs. It’s bad for performance, but also for health.

Keys to the Tokei method.

The keys to the Tokei method

The Tokei Method suggests that there are key actions to better synchronize internal time, social time, and solar time. It is best to establish and follow a routine. The brain and the body will thus function much better. The decisive actions of the Tokei method are as follows:

  • Use a bright alarm clock. It simulates sunlight and is much more convenient for getting up than a cell phone. Such devices are not recommended as alarm clocks.
  • Exercise early in the day. It is appropriate to do some physical activity when you get up because it activates the body and mind at the right time. You shouldn’t be exercising at the end of the day.
  • Have a good breakfast in peace. Breakfast should be a time of calm and good intake of nutrients. It’s a way to prepare organically and mentally for the day.
  • Eat well. It is advisable to eat between five and six hours after waking up and to eat in a moderate way.
  • Eat dinner three hours before bed. Dinner should be light: you should never go to bed with a full stomach.
  • Log out. Two hours before going to bed, turn off devices with a bright blue screen: televisions, mobiles, computers, etc. The body perceives this light as if it is daylight and it interferes with rest.

Also, it is not recommended to take any stimulating substance, such as coffee or tea, six hours before sleeping. The bed should be comfortable. As for the bedroom itself, it must be dimly lit and silence must reign there. We thus increase the likelihood of enjoying a good rest and being more productive on a daily basis.

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