Those Who Expect Too Much From Others Will End Up Disappointed

Whoever expects too much from others will end up disappointed

It is said that the one who hopes too much will be disappointed, and that the one who does not hope for anything will be surprised. This is why it seems much more attractive to me to live surprised. However, it is really difficult not to expect anything from anyone …

If you want to be disappointed, then put all your hope that something is happening or that someone is doing something.

Your expectations can hurt a lot if you live with too many expectations.

What is certain is that life is a mystery worth living. Thus, the most recommended is not to be constantly hooked on what is going to happen or how others are going to behave towards us.

We are tired of seeing our plans not come to fruition as planned, or of feeling that our friends, coworkers, other half or our family are disappointing us.

However, it is very difficult to stop hoping that our other half is always by our side or that our friends are always available.


If we stopped reasoning like this, we would realize that it is not only something that affects us because we are disappointed, but we also coerce others by depriving them of their freedom of action.

And then it’s a real vicious circle. In other words, we don’t move forward, and worse, we embed the problem even more.

To realize this, we should think about what is happening to us in the opposite way. Don’t you find that if you think the other way around you feel a certain “moral obligation” ?

We eventually get burned and, very often, we act in a ricochet fashion. In other words, the more people expect from us, the more we act to meet expectations, the more likely we are to rebel and act as we wish.

Sometimes we even manage to act contrary to our will, only to reassert ourselves. This happens very often in couple relationships, because the more you solicit, the more probability there is to saturate.

woman with flying red hair

Don’t depend on others …

When we stop putting obstacles in the way, we will notice that everything becomes simpler, that we are able to say goodbye to necessities and that we have relieved ourselves of a lot of weight that was weighing on our shoulders.

The ultimate goal is to place our expectations on ourselves, not on others. In addition, we are often unfair, which only brings disappointment.

This disappointment or disillusionment usually leads to mistrust, and subsequently to unwanted emotional states and unhealthy attitudes.

We are so sick of certainty that we fail to tolerate the uncertainty within our relationships.

For this reason, the only remedy that can prevent us from feeling abandoned or disappointed is to work on our fears and our most intimate emotional aspects, so that we no longer need to depend on others in order to be happy.

In other words, it’s very scary to think that the person you love might stop doing it, but be careful that this fear is not accompanied by insecurities or idealizations.

Just because someone isn’t hanging on to you every second or paying as much attention to you as you are used to receiving doesn’t mean they don’t like you. It just means that you are two different people.

However, if someone never pays attention to you, it is no longer a question of expectations, but of disrespect and concern.

Going back to the main theme, if you don’t want to be disappointed, don’t just wait for others to act the way you want them to.

Do not be continually waiting for others to step up to you, for there are matches in which we have to play alone.

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