What Is Codependency?

What is co-dependency?

“Freedom is responsibility; that’s why most men are afraid of it. ”

(George Bernard Shaw)


Co-dependence is a psychological condition involving a strong emotional attachment from one person to another.

Why are you not able to make a decision for yourself? Why do you need to be in control, and why do you feel like the world crumbles under your feet as soon as something passes you? If you miss this person, you don’t know how to act?

If you have all of these fears, then you are co-dependent.

Before continuing to read this article, we invite you to take the emotional dependence test.

The co-dependent person lives for others, and forgets himself. She relies on the decisions of others, feeds on their opinions and underestimates herself.

For the co-dependent person, the others are more important. She always asks questions like “what would you do in my place?” She is not able to think for herself.

As we have seen previously, the co-dependent person always needs someone to make decisions, to live, and even to be happy.

As she does not know how to live otherwise, she becomes manipulative, in order to be able to control everything. She can’t stand being abandoned, because she can’t do without others!

The co-dependent person is incapable of facing the world alone. She cannot imagine a life where emotional dependence does not exist, since for her, it is impossible otherwise.

His insecurity and his fears prevent him from making decisions. For her, moving forward in life without having a shoulder to lean on is such a source of fear and anxiety that she will always look for someone to support her.

Is it possible to no longer place a person at the center of his world, to  no longer be co-dependent?

– Why do you think your life is not worth it? What is preventing you from being independent?
Look within yourself for what makes you feel inferior, think about it and ask yourself if you really are as you think you are, for you are no less than others. Why not make a fresh start?

– As a co-dependent person, your thoughts are filled with phrases like “I don’t know”, “I can’t do it”, “he / she will know how to do it”. Forget these thoughts, and if they reappear, drive them away.

We cannot know everything, or do everything, but  we can all learn.  If you don’t know how to do something, learn.

Why can’t you do it? Have you ever tried to adopt this philosophy? Don’t look for help, don’t lean on anyone. Try to be independent.

– We all feel overwhelmed by events at one point or another in our lives. The key is to know how to effectively overcome these things that are beyond us, and this by ourselves.

What matters is knowing how to count on yourself, before knowing how to count on others.

Do you know your strengths? So what are you waiting for to exploit them? Work on them to learn to value yourself and not need to depend on someone.

– Every day, find a reason to be happy. Don’t care what other people do, but what you do yourself.

Stop relying on others and making them role models. Each person is unique, so make your life unique, and don’t be co-dependent!

– Persevere, keep moving forward. It is difficult, of course, but not impossible.

You won’t always have someone to lean on, and when it does, you shouldn’t feel like the world is crumbling beneath your feet. Be strong, smart, and responsible.

You don’t need to believe in anyone, you don’t need anyone to be able to live. Live your life, value yourself, be unique, so that your life does not depend on anyone other than you.

If you are co-dependent, we hope these few tips can help you, even if the most effective help is your own willpower.

Make it a point of honor to be independent! Take advantage of the freedom that you can enjoy when you are not co-dependent.

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