When No One Is Looking At Me, My Soul Takes Over

When no one is looking at me my soul takes over

When no one is looking at me, my soul takes over. I can be like the child who plays, who laughs for nothing or who cries for everything when he needs it and when the eyes of an adult do not judge him. When I’m on my own, I enjoy the simple pleasures of doing nothing and dreaming about everything. Take a walk naked or immerse myself in a bubble bath and disinfect my sorrows and worries.

Few places are as necessary as those in which we immerse ourselves in the purest intimacy, sometimes cheeky, but above all vital. Because when no one sees us our soul and spirit relax and we open our shell a bit as we revel in acts as simple as drinking a cup of coffee, reading a magazine, getting dressed or letting your gaze be seen. get lost in the void in the dead calm of an evening.

We spend much of the day subject to a large number of standards that regulate our behavior. Perhaps this is why these private spaces where we are not subject to the judgment of looks or to conventionalism on our way of acting, of dressing ourselves or of reacting to certain situations also seem cathartic to us. .

It is a subject as complex as it is interesting that we invite you to discover with us.


When no one sees us and we can “lay bare”

We are all part of the strength of a social universe in which we must adapt physically and psychologically. We spend a large part of our life cycle orbiting in different environments in which something is always required of us: to be good children, good students, efficient workers, perfect fathers, perfect mothers and irreproachable friends.

Therefore, while it is clear that most of us strive every day to fulfill each of these aspirations, this internal as well as external pressure creates in us “little psychological corns”. These are marks left by force, wear and even, why not, fatigue.

Struggling for “excellence” in our lives is not bad in a nutshell. We do not refuse either the great happiness that offers us the fact of loving and being loved, of having moments of magical complicity with our friends, but absolutely  everyone loves these private shelters where no one see us and where, finally, we can get naked to relieve these areas of “psychological and emotional pressure”.


According to a study by neurologist Mark Leary of the University of North Carolina (United States),  some of the most common pressures we suffer from are called “metaperceptions”, that is, the perceptions that we experience. have ourselves in relation to the way others see us.

For many, this is a really disturbing type of social anxiety in which moments of intimacy take precedence over everything else, because that’s when the threatening feeling of being ‘constantly being judged- finally dies down. es ”. For others, however, this aspect is hardly a problem. Because they filter all the signals they receive through a good knowledge of themselves and a strong self-esteem.

They don’t need to take refuge, but even so, they are satisfied with their moments spent alone. When no one can see them.

The pleasure of one’s own privacy and daily chores

Bake a dessert and explain to your dog for the thousandth time why you can’t give him chocolate, dance at home with loose hair, mismatched socks and underwear, nail his nails, play a video game, read novels erotic, writing your initials on a cold window as you watch the rain fall outside …

Does this matter? Yes of course. Because  what we do when we are not looked at is nobody’s business, it’s like a little corner under a staircase where we hid as a child to create our imaginary refuge far from the adult world. So, when our minds have adult worries and the same fears as a child, we absolutely want to find that little private corner where we can reconnect with ourselves.

For Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, famous psychologist and author of books like Living: The Psychology of Happiness,  these moments are an indisputable part of our personal and emotional well-being and, therefore, necessary.


Any act that allows us to remove that “dead skin” formed by the noise of negative thinking, stress or everyday concerns and which, in turn, invites us to connect with the present moment and with our own consciousness, is one way to invest in happiness.

Because to live by letting go is to let yourself be carried away by the peaceful hum of life, without hurrying and without pressure, but without ceasing to pay attention to this wonderful adventure to always be yourself. The moments of solitude, during which no one sees us, are moments of necessary complicity where we can rest and let our soul enjoy them. Practice this daily.

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