You Will Be Pretty At 30, Adorable At 40 And Irresistible Forever

You'll be pretty at 30, adorable at 40, and irresistible forever

You will always be irresistible because beauty does not depend on age and value. It depends on each one and on the form we give to our feelings.

In truth, we have the unfortunate tendency to judge the worth of others on the criteria of beauty (which we also do for ourselves).

Body image is a psychological construct; in other words, a set of perceptions that make up the vision and image of our body.

Our body is not what we see, but how we feel when we look at ourselves, when we analyze our bodily essence.

Most of the time, we struggle with or feel uncomfortable with our body image, and we harbor negative feelings about certain parts of our body or our entire body.

We are much more than just a container and these idealizations based on those characteristics that supposedly define beauty.

Finally, it responds to patterns and learning that usually impose on us the people around us but also social media.

woman suffering

The halo effect or the spell of beauty

Often this idea of ​​body image is linked to the famous “halo effect”. According to this effect, we attribute to people who SEEM beautiful to us positive personality qualities.

This sort of mental shortcut works like a psychological spell, as we dare to generalize the people we find beautiful by considering them more likeable, honest and correct than those with another appearance.

Maybe it invites us even more to come closer to the ideal of beauty that we are building.

Thus, the further we move away from this ideal – when, for example, we get older – the more negative personal characteristics will be attributed to us.

In other words, given that society tells us that wrinkles are not beautiful, how can we tell ourselves that maturity is a positive thing?

woman looking at herself in the mirror

The charm of mature beauty

Mature beauty has nothing to envy of youthful beauty. Since body image formation is an ever-changing process, we need to realize that negative expectations of maturity do not negatively alter our body’s acceptance.

So, feeling overwhelmingly beautiful is a very personal experience that depends on our attitude, thoughts, feelings, evaluations, and behaviors.

woman looking through the window

What we perceive, imagine, feel and do with our body determines how we behave and think in relation to ourselves and in relation to others. If we have a negative image of our body:

  • We will mistakenly analyze our body shapes and distort our view of certain parts of our body.
  • We will be convinced that only other people are attractive, we will think that their image reflects success and personal worth, and we will dethrone the positive qualities of our essence.
  • We will be ashamed of our bodies.
  • We will feel anxiety.
  • We will not accept ourselves and we will feel emotionally unbalanced.

However, when we have a positive image of our body, we exhibit the following characteristics:

  • We have a clear and true perception of our body.
  • We understand that a person’s physical appearance reveals nothing about their character and personal worth.
  • We feel secure and have good self-esteem.
woman with confetti

The secret is to overcome this fear of our body image

If we consider our body image to be negative, there are many things we can do about it.

Let us always remember that a negative body image is not only a way of seeing ourselves in a mirror but also what we feel in relation to our body.

To change this negativity, we can confide in someone we trust, talk to them about how we feel about our own body, or seek professional help from a therapist.

We must remember that the world dictates very limited definitions of beauty and that health and appearance are two very different things.

So, the most important thing is to treat our body and mind well, because that is the only way to feel good about yourself.

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